Pop a wheelie

Revitalize your yoga practice and wave goodbye to back pain with the invigorating Wheel Pose! This dynamic asana not only zaps fatigue but also provides a holistic stretch to key muscle groups, leaving you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer the day!

Urdhva Dhanurasana (sometimes known as Chakrasana), is popularly referred to as Wheel Pose, though the literal Sanskrit translation is “upward-facing bow.”

This powerful pose not only sparks your energy but also unleashes a full-body stretch – from abdomen to hips – and fires up your muscles, from back to glutes.  It can help with your posture and combat the slump from hours of sitting. Wheel Pose works its magic beyond the physical, boosting confidence and nurturing your heart chakra.

Wheel pose is a challenging yoga posture that demands strength in the legs, arms, and wrists, as well as flexibility in the front body, spine, and shoulders. With targeted exercises that develop strength and flexibility in the right areas, you'll be able to achieve wheel pose with greater ease.

Step by Step:

  1. Start by lying on your back.

  2. Bend your knees and position your feet hip-distance apart and parallel beneath your knees. (Generally you should be able to graze your heels with your middle finger, but everyone's arms are different lengths so listen to your body)

  3. Reach your hands back to place them beside your ears, palms down, and fingers pointing toward your shoulders.

  4. Lift your hips, torso, and head slightly, using an exhale, and rest the crown of your head on the mat without putting much weight on it.

  5. Draw elbows together, engage upper arms, and arch your middle and upper back.

  6. Inhale and press down with hands and feet to lift into the pose.

  7. Press tailbone toward the knees instead of floor, and ground through all four corners of the feet. Double check to see if the feet are parallel! 

  8. For a deeper stretch, walk feet closer to hands, getting forearms and shins perpendicular and parallel.

  9. To exit, tuck chin and lower body to the floor (avoid placing head on the floor until the shoulders are grounded).

Gentle Reminder that at times we can get caught up in the way a pose looks, but we’re better served focusing on how it feels.  Take it slow, focus on alignment, and listen to your body's cues. 


Tight af shoulders?

 If you experience tightness in your shoulders , try widening your hand placement before pushing up. This additional space can help you straighten your arms better. 

Alternatively, try incorporating a wall. Place two blocks against the wall and position your hands on each block. Follow the same instructions as before- just with your hands on the blocks 

Achey Wrist?

If you experience discomfort in your wrists, try leaning the blocks against the wall at a 45-degree angle instead.

Lower Back Screaming?

Make sure your knees and feet aren’t turning out as that can lead to compression. Also if you engage your booty muscles too intensely, you might hyperextend your lower back. You want firm glutes, but don’t over do it.

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